Worthy To Be Praised

Psalms 18:3(KJV)

I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

In Psalm 18:1-3, David said several things about who God was to him. He said God is worthy to be praised because he realized that he got delivered from his enemies when he praised God. In other words, refusing to praise God would have resulted in him becoming a casualty in the hands of his enemies. When God is on our side, we are undoubtedly more than Conquerors. From our anchored Scripture, God is worthy to be praised, and as we praise Him, He saves us from our enemies. Every great victory in battle and triumphant success over the enemy in complex situations requires the intervention of the Almighty God. This reality makes it mandatory for Christians to worship and sing praises to God before and after we experience triumphant victory. Psalm 96:4 says, “For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.” Whenever we praise God, He does something really supernatural because He is fearful in praise. Every time God demands that we give something to Him, it is for our own good, not His. Only the fellow who wants to deceive themselves will think otherwise. 

Generally, people view praise as singing songs, usually fast ones, and dancing to God. However, praise means more than just singing, dancing, or raising hands. Praise is a spiritual language that can reach beyond the intellect to touch the heart of God. Praise is a beautiful fragrance before the Most High, igniting God’s Power. Understanding this concept can take us to a new realm in our relationship with God. In Psalm 68: 1-3, the Bible says let God arise and let all His enemies be scattered. With God on our side, our enemies have no chance but to scatter. 2 Chronicles 20:22 says, “And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.” When king Jehoshaphat deployed an army of worshippers marching into battle with musical instruments in their hands and songs of praise in their mouths, the Lord did something supernatural. As they praised and worshipped God, He rose on their behalf and destroyed all their enemies by letting the enemy fight among themselves. No wonder David never lost a battle because he knew how to praise His Maker.

Beloved, you should wholeheartedly worship God because it is a source of great blessings and brings immense goodness into your life. Rejoice, sing, dance, thank Him, and bless His Name like never before. Give God all the praise and glory, and Adore His Name, for He is Worthy to be Praised. Praise Him more for Who He is, what He does, and the splendor of His Glory. Thank Him for the gift of life, His Mercies and Goodness. If you are grateful for what He did yesterday, He will do more today and forever. As you praise Him, it won’t matter how much water your enemies want to sink you in because His faithfulness will always draw you out. As you honor the LORD, the One by whose Name every knee must bow will deliver you from every chain the enemy has put around you in Jesus’ Name. When you lift praise, it does not matter how defenseless you are; the great Defender will fight all your battles. Despite the lies and attacks of your enemies, you will emerge victorious because you have made the Lord your delight and source of strength. As you praise and celebrate God for His Worthiness and Greatness, He will show you even more of that greatness. You will continue to have bountiful testimonies of God’s Greatness. Today, serve, worship, and praise God because your life, joy, and peace depend on it.

O Lord, give me the grace always to praise You, for You are worthy and great to be praised in Jesus’ Name.
