Write The Vision

Habakkuk 2:1-2(KJV)

I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Our anchor Scripture admonishes us to write our vision down and make it plain so that we can run with it to fulfill it when we read it. One definition of vision is an insight into God’s plan and purpose for our lives. So, understanding what God wants us to do with our lives is also defined as vision. “I will stand upon my watch, set me upon the tower, and watch what God will say.” Visions are majorly received at the place of prayer. So, without prayer, we are visionless. There is no doubt that every authentic vision originates from God. It is God’s revealed plan and has to be able to be found or discovered by Him. We must nurture their vision like a seed, providing it with the necessary care and attention until it blossoms into its full potential. Vision is seeing tomorrow from today; where we will be is determined by what we see today. It allows us to plan, pursue our plans, and measure our progress. 

There are battles in the journey of life, and until we are armed for the journey, victory will not be possible. The truth is the journey of life requires vision. Having a clear vision of our destination empowers us and prepares us to confidently embark on life’s journey, knowing exactly where we want to go and how to get there. What we can see determines what God will give us, and what does not occur to us cannot happen to us. What our hearts cannot perceive, our hands cannot handle. God told Abraham that as far as his eyes could see, He would give unto him (Genesis 13:14); to see nothing is to get nothing. Our vision and aspirations are the guiding force behind our future. In simpler words, what we envision today shapes our tomorrow with confidence. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Without vision, we lack direction, and where there is no vision, there can be no future. However, God knows the importance of vision because He works with our vision of ourselves, especially those that originate from Him to us. He knows we must have plans, goals, and desires to strive to be better people. When our vision is of God, He creates a peaceful way out for us in His own time. However, any vision that does not have its source in God leads to destruction. It might flourish and be sweet, but sure, destruction is inevitable. We must thoroughly examine any vision that does not resonate with our peaceful state.

Beloved, it is imperative to jot down your vision, for an unwritten vision is nothing but a daydream and whimsical. By putting your vision into words, you give it a tangible shape, making it more accurate and achievable. So, don’t hesitate to write down your vision and bring it to life with your actions. A written vision is crucial as it provides clear directions and coordinates to reach your desired destination. It is a source of inspiration and motivation that helps you overcome life’s toughest challenges with confidence and strength. Avoid the spell of being without vision. Don’t live your life to chance because whatever is left to chance would have no chance. What you don’t see coming will never come. Do not allow your situation to limit your vision. A clear vision from God empowers you to overcome any obstacle despite the challenges and turbulence you may encounter. Pray until that vision comes to pass. Today, ask God for a solid vision for your life and single-mindedly pursue it. Make up your mind never to embark on any journey without God. To move forward, having a clear vision is imperative. You must know where to go to avoid being stuck in one place. Remember, motion is only possible with a sense of direction.

O Lord, help me with the grace to always possess a solid vision in line with Your Will for my life in Jesus’ Name.
