You Can Have What You Desire

Mark 11:24(KJV)

Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Our Lord Jesus Christ in our memory Scripture assures us that whatever we pray we shall receive answers when we believe. We also understand from Scriptures that prayers are ordained for answers. Prayer is a communication line between the believer and God and it is the most effective way by which we communicate our problems to God. Psalms 65:2 says “O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.” The Bible is filled with assurances of the truth that our God is a prayer answering God. Praying according to the rules, commit God’s integrity to answer us. That is, it is one thing to pray and another thing to believe in practical terms that God will do what we are asking for. We do not have to see it before we know that God has answered us, we have to believe that He has answered before we can see it. Believing is imperative when we pray.

Faith is one of the most important factors required for prayers to be answered. Faith is a supernatural force by which supernatural changes are effected. It is faith that engages the enemy and brings him to defeat. If we desire change in any realm of our lives, the force that is needed to effect that change is faith. It commits God’s integrity to make good His Promise and guarantees our access to all our inheritance in Christ. The prayer that must produce results is faith-based prayer and it moves God into action. For without faith, it is impossible to please God(Hebrews 11:6). The prayer wrapped in faith is making requests to God based on His Word with deep conviction and settled assurance. In the Kingdom of God, it is not just prayer that makes things work; it is prayer wrapped in faith that produces results. It is a prayer that creates and does not take “No” for an answer. How strong is our faith?

Beloved, have faith in God. Because, to receive anything from God, you must believe that you have received what you asked for and then you will have it. Believe that God has answered you before you see any physical manifestation. You don’t see it before you believe, you believe that what you have prayed for, God has answered. Don’t just come into God’s Presence with your requests; make sure you have all that you need for your prayers to be answered. Instead of excessive worrying, get on your knees and pray. Today, activate your faith at the place of prayer by meditating on God’s Word. Read and study the Scriptures daily for faith is fueled and more powerful or effective by the revealed Word. Always declare your expectations with authority. Never let the enemy have the final say in your life. Pray always and nothing will be impossible for you to achieve. As you begin to pray with faith, so shall all your expectations that are in accordance with God’s word come to pass in your life in the Name of Jesus. I pray that every struggle or challenge in your life comes to an end now, every sickness that has a name bow and every horn that’s opposing you is destroyed in Jesus’ Name. Remember, God answers prayers and He will answer yours if you believe!

O Lord, give me the grace to pray and believe, let Your promises to me become manifestations in my life in Jesus’ Name.
