A Heart Void Of Offense

Acts 24:16(KJV)

And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void to offence toward God, and toward men.

Offense is a detaining component to progress in the life of a Christian. Once we possess a nature of offense, we are limited in life. Apostle Paul was a righteous man guided by a strong conscience. His entire life displays a devotion to doing what he thought was per God’s will. Paul emphasized that he strives to keep a clear conscience always. It is not an occasional but a regular, continual practice. He never allowed the circumstance of his life to take control over him but maintained an offense-free heart before God and towards men. He followed God’s command to love rather than take offense at offenses. Psalm 119:165 says, “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” God’s Word is His perfect standard for living; obeying it is our only incontestable way to live an offense free life. The truth is, if our conscience is always void of offense, we will always live in peace and joy. As children of God, we respond to offenses with love, and peace.

Christians on earth will be healthy and pleasant if we live with a conscience void of offense. A clear conscience imparts the boldness of faith in our lives and gives access to Divine Direction. Offense hinders our being sensitive to the voice of God. It also creates a barrier to answered prayers. God expects our mind to be free of offense so that when inspiration comes, we can receive it. We deprive ourselves of God’s blessings when offended. Having offense amounts to spiritual rascality for us to be angry at our Creator. John the Baptist, for example, made a costly mistake in his life by being seemingly offended by Jesus(Luke 7:23). This allowed Herod to cut off his head. Whatever makes us have a heart filled with animosity towards God and man is destroying our destinies on earth and eternity in Heaven. In this life, many will question our decisions and equate them to unforgiveness, resentment, or bitterness; however, give the devil no chance and turn every platform into an occasion to preach the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 10:32 says, “Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God.” As Christians, we will experience all manner of provocations and irritations from people, especially family and friends, but let nobody anointed by the devil embitter us into hell. Whenever our relationship with God and man is void of offense, we will reach where we are meant to get to and become what we should become on earth. 

Beloved, taking offense never comes from God, for He wants you rooted and grounded in love. Anytime someone comes your way to constitute an offense, they fight your direction and the accuracy of your spirit, resist the temptation and refuse to harbor bitterness. When the devil wants to fight your joy, he sends people to offend you. But give the devil and his agents no chance. People you prayed and fasted for may turn against you. The ones you raised may try to erase you. It is common for those you helped financially to try to hurt you. Be ready to handle some resistance from those you have assisted, and refrain from becoming embittered. Jesus said sorrow awaits any offender, so regardless of the situation, reject those feelings of offense and let your heart be joyful. Keeping your cool is a significant sign of spiritual maturity. Make sure you’re not harboring any secret grudges against anyone. Ask God for the ability to respond to offense with love and grace. When you forgive offenders, you release yourself from every kind of bondage. Choose love rather than offense today. Keep pursuing God wholeheartedly, serving Him with a heart void of offense. Forgive people even before they offend you. Remember, sin is the foundation for calamity; unrighteousness promotes destruction, and compromise sponsors liability to danger.

O LORD, help me to maintain a heart void of offence before You and towards men in Jesus’ Name.
