Bags With Holes

Haggai 1:6 (KJV)

Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.

Our anchored Scripture emphasizes the importance of prioritizing spiritual duties and not overlooking religious commitments while pursuing personal aspirations. Living a life dedicated to serving God and advancing His Kingdom allows us to gain mastery over the things that others strive and struggle for. In the book of Haggai, God admonished Israel not to overlook His divine actions while they focused on their endeavors. God attempted to capture their attention through dramatic means. He ceased to bless their agricultural and viticultural endeavors, resulting in meager yields. In addition, despite their financial gains, it seemed their funds were being mysteriously depleted, resulting in financial setbacks. Their lack of attention led to insufficiency and missed opportunities. Despite God bringing them back to their homeland, their inability to reconstruct the Temple led to adversity. Amos 4:8 says, “So two or three cities wandered unto one city, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD.”

We live in a world marked by a strong focus on individualism, self-centeredness, and personal ambitions. This self-centric focus has led to a widespread pursuit of materialistic goals, ultimately failing to bring true satisfaction. In this context, it is crucial to reassess our priorities and reconsider the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life beyond individual self-interests. The primary issue for many believers today is the need for proper priorities. While most Christians are not involved in apparent sins such as adultery and theft, prioritizing worldly matters like business and personal affairs over worship and service to God is indeed considered sinful. Many work hard but reap little. They eat but are never satisfied, and their thirst cannot be quenched no matter how much they drink. No matter how many clothes they wear, they cannot get warm; their wages vanish as if they were putting them in pockets full of holes. They are left empty, disillusioned, and unsatisfied because they have neglected God’s work on earth. Forsaking God’s plan in pursuit of our desires invites divine retribution leading to bags with holes in our lives. However, as written in Psalms 34:10, “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” The act of serving God brings unparalleled rewards. We can never find true joy until we obey Christ’s admonition to seek “first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Only then will we sow and reap abundantly, eat, and truly be filled.

Beloved, Kingdom assignment should not be delayed for what you perceive as important matters. Worship is a fundamental necessity, and without God, nothing truly satisfies. Without God, the perspective on life becomes grim. Life is hollow and purposeless without the Lord. When you are dedicated to doing God’s work, you experience joy and fulfillment. God’s blessings pour upon those who serve. It is vital to make yourself available to be of service to God. Whatever task or job you undertake, strive to serve God alongside it. Today, God wants you to prioritize His interests so that He can again bless and favor you. Be more committed and focused on the Kingdom, for God’s Presence transforms your life and destiny. To ensure a steadfast path, maintain an unwavering focus on the divine. Cultivate receptiveness to the Holy Spirit and adhere to His teachings. Strive for a deeper, more profound connection with God in your life. Engage in comprehensive study and analysis of His teachings. Dedicate substantial time to prayer and surrender all aspects of life to God. Remember, a life dedicated to the Kingdom Assignment will always be filled with the addition of desirable things.

O Lord, I receive the grace to focus more on eternity and look up to You alone in Jesus’ Name.
