Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23(KJV)

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

King Solomon’s teachings highlight the significance of safeguarding our innermost being, which is the epicenter of our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Protecting our hearts is paramount since it influences our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt measures that can help us protect our hearts and maintain a healthy outlook toward life. Our hearts are immensely powerful, guiding our actions and shaping our thoughts. We must guard them carefully, as negative thoughts and beliefs can lead us astray. Everything we do stems from our hearts, so we should remain vigilant and cautious about what we allow. Taking control of our thoughts, emotions, and environment is crucial to safeguarding our hearts and overall well-being. Being mindful of the things we focus on allows us to protect ourselves from negative influences that can hinder our spiritual and psychological growth. By taking responsibility for our mental and spiritual health, we can conquer sinful influences that obstruct our progress and impede us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Guarding our hearts is not an optional activity but a necessary step towards fulfilling our divine purpose and living a satisfying life.

It has been confirmed that mentality plays a vital role in shaping our destiny. As individuals, we can create our realities through the thoughts we allow into our hearts. Our thoughts and imagination are the driving force behind our actions; hence, we are solely responsible and accountable for the outcomes of our lives. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our mindset is the engine room or manufacturing plant of our destiny. So, if failure fills our hearts, failure will be manufactured for us. For instance, people easily commit the sin they have been thinking about and also know that anything that does not cross our minds can never cross our lives. We cannot have the mentality of a king and behave like a slave. Everything that happens to a person happens from the inside. Our mindset affects the way we think and talk. The picture we have in our mind affects the picture of the life we see around us. The devil is free to suggest all manner of evil to our minds, but he does not have the power to enforce them. Many people suffer from all manner of calamities in life because they accept the suggestions of satan in their minds. Whatever we do not want to see or grow in our lives, as soon as satan suggests it to our minds, uproot them and cast them down with the Word of God! Numbers 14:28 says, “So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say:” When we begin to use our thoughts and imaginations negatively, we become advocates of the devil for our own destruction. What we hear and what we think greatly influence what happens to us.

Beloved, it is a blessed thing for your mind to be pure and guard your heart for the guarantee of your destiny fulfillment. Guarding your heart in godly fear is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships with God and others and for your own spiritual well-being. It entails being intentional about what you allow into your heart, focusing on thoughts and influences that promote love, kindness, and compassion. Seeking God’s wisdom and guidance through prayer and meditation and allowing His love to flow through you to others is also important. Do not be a victim because whatever you say will come to pass, positive or negative. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind! Guard your ears, eyes, and heart diligently, and frustrate all evil words and projections from the devil. Take a bold step today and declare, like Caleb, that you are well able to overcome your challenges. I prophesy to you: the capacity to enlarge your thought, imagination, and thinking is released on you right now in Jesus’ Name! Make up your mind to be disciplined; as you do so, you will experience a drastic change. Remember, be careful of what fills your heart because your thoughts shape your life. 

O Lord, give me the grace to guard my heart and to continually renew my mind with Your Word in Jesus’ Name.
