He Will Keep You In Perfect Peace!

Isaiah 26:3-4(TLB)
He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord! Trust in the Lord God always, for in the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting strength.
It is evident from our anchored Scripture that God keeps in peace all who put their trust in Him. Having a heart stayed on God is a secret of the peace of God. God keeps in perfect peace those whose hearts are stayed on Him. So, where our hearts and minds are, determines the peace we enjoy. The Hebrew word for “Peace” here is “Shalom” the rest of God, wherein is prosperity, wholeness, welfare, health, strength, protection, power, deliverance and victory. When we are devoted to Him, our whole attitude is steady and stable, as we experience His perfect peace. He is our everlasting strength, and as we trust in Him, He brings all things to pass. The Lord’s Promises are very clear and understandable. ”Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28). It is also written in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”. When we come to Christ by an act of faith, He gives us the Holy Spirit that produces the fruit of the Spirit and gives us the peace that passes all understanding.
Trusting in the Almighty God brings victory in the battles of life. Only those that trust in God are entitled to triumph over the circumstances of life without sweat. Psalms 125:1 says “They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” In other words, those who trust in God cannot be moved, their security is guaranteed in the immunity of God. Look on to God and not at the situation or the pressures of life or the medical doctor’s report. With God’s unchanging love and mighty power, we are not perturbed by the raging sea. He is worthy of being trusted today, tomorrow, and forever. Anytime we make Jesus our focus, our peace is sustained, and we have permanent peace irrespective of the raging storms of life. While Peter focused on Jesus, he could come out of the troubled boat and walk on water towards Jesus, but the moment he shifted his focus to the wind, he began to sink. The three Hebrew boys in Daniel chapter 6, chose to trust in God and the result was mind blowing! The fire that could not have any effect on them was the same that burnt their adversaries to ashes. For as long as our defense is unshakable, our defeat is not possible. When we believe and trust Him absolutely, He watches and fights on our behalf so that we are not consumed by the battles of life. When we put all in His care, we can be rest assured that we are safe in His Hands and our future is secure in Him.
Beloved, if you want to live a peaceful, joy-filled, abundant life, you need to understand it all begins with the thoughts you choose to think. So, make up your mind to hand all your worries and pressures over to God. When you hand your worries over to God completely, He will give you rest. It is not possible to truly hand anything over to God and still be worrying about it. Today, trust in God and choose to focus on the Prince of Peace so you can experience the life Jesus came to give you. Let the Word of God fill and consume you, let it take over your consciousness and awareness and you will walk in greater depths of faith as God work in greater dimensions in your life. Wherever you may be, I pray today that you will be able to put aside any hindrance or limitation as you trust the Lord, Who will never fail you. The Peace that passes all understanding shall locate you today in Jesus’ Name. Remember, handing your cares and worries over to God is key to your world of peace.
O Lord, help me to always keep my mind completely focused on what You are saying to and about me in Jesus’ Name.