The Goodness of God

Psalm 118:23(KJV)
This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.
In this Psalm, David was declaring the goodness of God and bragging on His faithfulness. We need to always remember that every blessing in our lives is from God. The Scripture says in James 1:17 “But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and he shines forever without change or shadow.” That promotion, good break, healing and new opportunities are all the doing of the Lord. Truly, God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth. God does not want His children to be stagnant in life and destiny, rather, His intention for our lives is for us to go from one level of glory to another. God’s perfect Will for His children is to experience His goodness in all areas of life.
We all have a story to tell about God’s goodness whether we write or sing or tell it. For some, our experiences may be dramatic or intense like the writer of Psalm 136 who recounted how God delivered His people from captivity and conquered His enemies. Esther who was an orphan at a very early age, taken into captivity with her uncle Mordecai experienced the goodness of the Lord. Life was truly looking bleak for her, but by God’s goodness she became a queen in foreign land(Esther 2). Joseph also was sold into slavery by his brothers out of envy and he later found himself in prison for an offense he did not commit (Genesis 39-41). However, in spite of all this, he became the prime minister of the whole realm of the Egyptian empire. Psalm 27:13 says “I am expecting the Lord to rescue me again, so that once again I will see his goodness to me here in the land of the living.” David went through situations that swallowed his hope and made him despair even of life, but when he remembered who God is, what He had done and what He could do, his hope came alive again. He therefore declared that in spite of his current unpleasant situation, he would still experience the goodness of the Lord while alive, and it was so. We used to sing a song growing up, “Look What the Lord Has Done.” It was a song that just bragged on God. It is a great reminder that all through the day we should be bragging on God’s goodness and remember His mighty acts. When we give God all the Glory, that’s when He will pour out His blessings in greater measure. When we are humble and don’t try to take the credit, His Grace and Favor increases on us.
Beloved, as long as you are in Christ, you can be rest assured that your tomorrow will be alright. Dry up your tears because you need clear eyes to see new opportunities that God is giving to you. Don’t give up on God! Don’t let the devil take your joy, because the joy of the Lord is your strength. Look for opportunities to brag on God. If you are breathing today, brag on Him as your Creator. If you got to work safely today, brag on Him for being your Protector. If you are facing a difficulty, brag on the fact that He is your Deliverer and breakthrough is on the way! Keep declaring His goodness and faithfulness and watch what God will do on your behalf. Turn your experience of God’s love into a praise song of your own and enjoy an overflow of His never-ending goodness. The Lord will shepherd you under His watchful eyes and feed you with His goodness. You shall see God’s goodness in the land of the living in Jesus’ Name. Remembering who God is and what He has done brings out praise and thanksgiving that glorifies Him.
O Lord, thank You for Your goodness, to You be all the Glory, today, I choose to brag on You in Jesus’ Name.