Matthew 13:57(GNT)
And so they rejected him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is respected everywhere except in his hometown and by his own family.”
Jesus in visiting Nazareth was rejected because the Nazarenes knew Him, they knew His father, mother and siblings. They knew Him as the carpenter’s son so they did not believe He could do anything good.. Therefore, they were offended at Him because they were too familiar with Him and missed their blessings. Jesus was rejected by His own and that made Him to make this very remarkable statement “A prophet has no honor in his own home”. After Jesus was rejected in His own home, He went on to do great and marvelous miracles. In other words, rejection is often the birthplace of greatness. The sign of the anointing on our lives is confirmed through the rejection in our lives. That is, when God Anoints, it does not matter who rejects because His Anointing on our lives outweighs every opposition.
The spirit of rejection is one of the greatest challenges in life. There is something in humanity that makes us take the familiar for granted. We rave over the guest speaker, but overlook the fine speakers in our midst. We marvel at the flowers in the botanical gardens, but miss the sunflower in our own backyard. In this life not everybody will like us, some may even aggressively dislike us. This rejection might come in varied forms, in your work, school, business or career. But never be overwhelmed by rejection, because if God is for us, who can be against us? Absolutely no one! It doesn’t really matter what men think of us. What really counts is what God thinks about us. The world may take us for nonentities, but God has made us leaders, stars, celebrities. kingpins and magnates. He specializes in turning lives around, changes hopeless situations to enviable ones, converts sorrows to joys, and takes away our burdens. In Matthew 21:42, “Jesus said to them, “Haven’t you ever read what the Scriptures say? ‘The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all. This was done by the Lord; what a wonderful sight it is!” Whenever we are faced with rejection, count it all joy. For as surely as the Lord lives it will turn out for our good. We are the chief of the cornerstone.
Beloved, it does not matter the rejection, God has made you a candidate for distinction. Your background may not be clearly defined, but if God has laid His hands on you, the world must celebrate you. Be strong and always encourage yourself in the Lord when you face rejection in your life. Never allow the negative utterances hurled against you to settle in you; discard them. Your story shall change from the stone that the builders refused to the stone that is undeniably the head of the corner. Make positive declarations about yourself continually and have faith in God to fulfil His plan and purpose for your life. Rather than brood over rejection, launch out in your strength and allow God to display the deep-rooted talents in you for His Glory. Child of God, never get too familiar with any pastor that will make you miss out on a very vital blessing. Know that God can use anyone to bless you regardless of how much you may know about them. Remember, whatever you do not place value on cannot work for you.
O Lord, terminate every spell of rejection in my life, empower me for greatness in Jesus Name.