Colossians 2:10(AMP)
And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power].
The above Scripture reveals that without Jesus Christ, no human being is complete. That is, He is our Completeness, our Perfection and our Confidence. In Him we find our confidence. The consciousness of His presence inputs in us that sense of invincibility. We just have the confidence that we can do all things. This is because the presence of God is with us. There is no way but Jesus. Jesus is the answer to all human needs. There is no real life without Jesus Christ. Those who know who He is and have received Him into their lives know that they need nothing more. It was the need for completion that necessitated the removal of a rib from Adam to form Eve. Every human being was created incomplete, and it is only by receiving Jesus that they become complete and whole.
The head is the most important part of the body. For this reason, we as the Body of Christ are totally dependent on Him, who is our Head. So, if we are complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power then the devil and his agents have no power over our lives. This is because we are no longer mere men, we are unconquerable, victors and all that He’s got, we also receive. All of His Power, Glory, Might, Strength and Wisdom—everything that He represents, everything that’s contained in Him are made available to us. We have been made an associate of the God-kind. That is when we received the Holy Spirit, we received the fullness of God. No wonder 1 John 4:17 says, “…as he is, so are we in this world.” Glory to God! This headship position is our birthright as children of the Kingdom. For those battling with curses, Jesus had been made a curse for us that we might in Him be blessed and remain blessed (Galatians 3: 13-14). For those battling with the forces of the grave, death is swallowed up in victory. Christ has given us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). For those plagued with sickness, Jesus was made sick, that we might in Him receive wholeness (Isaiah 53:5). For those battling with poverty, Jesus was made poor, that we might in Him receive wealth and riches (2 Corinthians 9:8). For those battling at the tail region, Jesus is the Head of all principality and powers. So, living without Jesus is like trying to drive a car without the control of the steering wheel. Such a car would be out of control. It will eventually crash and become a wreck!
Beloved, having Jesus in your life grants you access to all the resources of Heaven, so what more do you need beyond Him. He is the Head of all principality and power. If you know who you are in Christ, you would not need to seek power to rule and reign, because God made you to rule and reign in the first place (Genesis 1:26). All you have to do is to plug yourself into the socket of power and begin to rule and reign, just like your Father. For you to benefit from the bounty of a gift, its content has to be unpacked and deployed to meet the needs of its recipient. In this regard, have you accepted the Greatest Gift that God gave? Today is a great day to do so if you have not. He is standing at the door of your heart waiting to enter, if only you acknowledge that He loves and cares for you, and that He shed His Blood on the cross of Calvary to cleanse your sins. After acknowledging this, you need to declare it with your mouth and also confess your sins to Him. Ask Him to come into your life and reign over you as your Lord and personal Savior. If you have done this, congratulations! You will begin to discover so many things about this Greatest Gift of God as you begin to study about Him through a Bible, and your life will never be the same. Hallelujah!
O Lord, thank You for making me complete in You, grant me the grace to live for You in Jesus’ Name.