Genesis 32:24(KJV)
And Jacob was left alone, and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
At Peniel, Jacob was left alone with his fears and anxieties. True to his old nature, he thought he could bribe his way into his brother’s heart with gifts, but he realized the ineffectiveness of this strategy. So, he pushed everything aside, sent his family to a secure location, and decided to spend the night in prayer to God. At that moment, an angel appeared and began to wrestle with him. They wrestled all night long. When Jacob saw the situation in his life, he was determined to fight it out. Although his hip was dislocated, he continued to hold on to the man, refusing to let go. Jacob asked for a blessing and continued to wrestle until something happened. That was where he finally rode on the wings of the blessing and overcame the power of perpetual struggle that characterized his life and destiny. It was through this desperation that his life changed levels. In wrestling with the angel, Jacob encountered and experienced the great God, who met him and staged a transforming encounter of grace. God turned his life for good by changing his name to Israel.
A powerful force often drives change. Nothing changes on its own. Every transformation in life is driven by unwavering determination and an unyielding spirit. Situations change when people decide to enforce a change; desperation demands a Divine lift in life. Destiny changes when responsibility is accepted. Change will happen when we make up our minds for change to occur. To be desperate or passionate after God is to be lifted by Him because the Presence of God changes our story and makes us take our place in life and destiny. In 1 Chronicles 4:10, Jabez did not sit down and wait for things to change in his life. He went to God and asked for a drastic change, and God granted him that which he requested. His life and situation could not have changed without doing anything about it. In Acts 1:13-14, the apostles gathered in the Upper Room and waited for the promise of the Father. And they were all baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. They remained unwavering in their faith until they found the solution. Our most significant battles must be fought alone with God when we are not moved by any audience or by pressure from others. The truth is that when we get alone with God, we will never be the same again.
Beloved, have a fighter spirit to change your destiny, for the Kingdom of Heaven suffered violence, and the violent takes it by force. Your life cannot be higher than your level of devotion to God. Persist in prayer until your destiny is changed. That is, pray until something changes in your life. Never quit the fight for your fulfillment in life and destiny until you experience your change. Whatever challenge you may be facing today, seize this moment to take it to the Lord in prayer and watch Him perform an outstanding miracle in your life. Pray desperately today about that issue that has lingered for too long. If you would only call on Him now, He would change your situation for the better. I join my faith with yours and decree that your answers will come speedily in the Name of Jesus. Put your trust in God; He will not disappoint you because He is the Unchangeable Changer. God does not do serious things with anyone whose life is crowded with activity. So, separate yourself from the crowd and be alone with God as often as possible. Remember to spend time alone with Him in His Word and prayer.
O LORD, help me to prevail with You at the place of prayer until all my trials are turned into testimonies in Jesus’ Name.