They Were First Christians.

Acts 11:26(AMP)
And when he found him, he brought him back to Antioch. For an entire year they met [with others] in the church and instructed large numbers; and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.
From our anchor Scripture, the believers were called Christians by the Gentiles first in Antioch. When the news of the growth of the Church in Antioch reached the Apostles, they sent Barnabas, a man filled with the Holy Ghost and faith. His visit to Antioch brought further growth to the church because he was dedicated to preaching the true Gospel. The believers’ lifestyle was noticed by the inhabitants of Antioch, which they identified as an attribute of Christ. The followers of Christ in Antioch were known by their fruits or character, and not just by church attendance. They were called Christians first in Antioch, that is, little Christs. The Christlikeness was evident for all to see, their character was transformed.
Christianity is so unique that it can never be compared with any religion out there. This is because it root is found in Christ Jesus alone. Genesis 1:26 says “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:……………” It clear that God created us to look like Him. So, the demand of God, our Creator on us is that we look like Him and reproduce the character of Christ in our lives. However, today, the reverse is the case in the lives of many Christians, they are Christians by name only. Many people call themselves Christians but there is nothing Christ-like about their lives. They live their lives carelessly, they engage in ways that does not look like Christ both in appearance and character. We cannot claim to have given our lives to Christ and dress like the people of the world or function like them. We cannot say Christ owns our lives and our looks cannot preach the true Gospel. If Christ really owns us, our look and character should reflect Christ and our words should match our look and character. There are people who dress seductively exposing everything that needs to be covered and proactively claim to be Christians. They dress unholily simply because of the false belief that God only looks at the heart. That is not right. Ephesians 5:1-2 says “Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much loved child imitates his father. Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, for Christ’s love for you was like sweet perfume to him.” We are reminded that our calling is not an ordinary one, we are called to follow God example in everything we do. Therefore, our walk, behavior and lifestyle should match the calling of God. Our walk should be saintly, like Christ’s and not like the people of the world.
Beloved, the highest form of preaching is where your life or action preaches more audibly and positively than your words. Today, decide to be like Christ in every area of your life and let your outward appearance show modesty and decency. Let your appearance show the character of God. Decide to dress with dignity, decency and decorum. Imitate the outstanding character of Jesus and you will live a meaningful life and a shining light in this corrupt and dark world. Remember, it is an abomination to be called a Christian and not look like Christ in character and conduct.
O Lord, I ask for the grace to look like You in all areas of my life, help me to live a life of positive character that preaches more than words in Jesus’ Name.