Wait Till Change Comes

Job 14:14 (KJV)

If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.

Job is a prime example of a man who understood the virtue of waiting on the Lord. In the face of insurmountable loss, derisive comments from his wife, and harsh criticism from his friends, Job remained steadfast in his faith, declaring that he would wait until his situation changed. Despite the cacophony of dissenting voices around him, Job was resolute in his desire to hear from God regarding his circumstances. His commitment to never give up until he received a response from God was unshakeable. Even amidst the storm of suffering and mourning, Job clung to his faith – questioning, doubting, and still believing. He reasoned that there must be a future hope and declared that he would wait until he was renewed. Despite the agony of his affliction, Job remained convinced that God would not abandon His creation. Lamentations 3:25-26 says, “The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.” Waiting is hard, but those who trust God and wait quietly always see His Goodness. He helps us to endure and overcome. Waiting on God gives us a higher value and a new power to our prayers and worship because it links us to Himself. When times are complex, and we have done all we can with no result, it is best that we wait patiently for the LORD to aid and strengthen us.

Spiritually inclined individuals exhibit unwavering tenacity and perseverance, refusing to surrender easily or accept defeat. Their steadfast commitment to their aspirations is akin to the steadfastness displayed by Abraham, who, despite numerous challenges, eventually realized his ambitions. A scriptural dream is often accompanied by an unrelenting determination to succeed, enabling champions and winners to surmount seemingly insurmountable obstacles, whether intense opposition or relentless criticism. They persist in their endeavors until a positive change is achieved, refusing to give in to pressure or abandon their goals. The experience of believers in times of distress often involves the emergence of questions and accompanying pain. However, it is essential to recognize that beneath these challenges lies the unwavering support of God. Even amid doubts and struggles, knowing God will not abandon us is comforting. Ecclesiastes 9:4 says,” For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.” Many Christians have lost hope in God’s promises, waiting for their physical manifestation before they believe. However, hope in the Lord because He is Good regardless of the situation; even during the painful and testing times when hope seems lost, the Lord extends His benefit to those who wait and trust Him.

Beloved, take heart, for even while suffering, there is hope. The Lord is upon His mercy seat, ready to be gracious. When life presents unexpected challenges and your journey seems slow and winding, remember that success is not solely determined by speed or strength. Instead, it is the Lord’s mercy that ultimately prevails. Do not be discouraged by setbacks or despair in the face of adversity. Persevere steadfastly in your struggles, and hold on until the breakthrough you deserve finally arrives. Your efforts will be rewarded if you remain resolute and refuse to give up. Keep moving forward, and success will soon be yours. You shall testify, celebrate, and laugh at last in Jesus’ Name. Take comfort in knowing that brighter days are ahead if you are currently facing pain and disappointment. Be patient and wait for the day when God will grant you a new body, allowing you to start anew. The difficulties you are facing now will one day fade away into the vastness of eternity. As you embrace change, trust that God will elevate and transform your life and destiny, just as He did for significant biblical figures like Abraham, Joseph, Elisha, and Esther.

O LORD, arise and change my story as You lift and shift my life and destiny in Jesus’ Name.
